
Kobo toolbox
Kobo toolbox

  1. #Kobo toolbox android
  2. #Kobo toolbox plus

If you selected an area or polygon as the desired answer type, then create a polygon by long-pressing the screen to create a point. Once a pin is placed, proceed to press down on the map where you would like to connect from the previous point. Wait for the screen to lock and add marker button to start by pressing down on where you would like to create a path. If you selected a line as the desired answer type, then select “Start GeoTrace”. To proceed to the next question, select the arrow pointing to the dot on the top right of the screen. If you selected a “point” then use the map to determine your location. Select the form to which you would like to enter data and go through all the questions (swiping your finger from right to left).Open KoBo Collect on your device and click on “Fill Blank Form”.

#Kobo toolbox android

In this case, we are using an Andriod applicationĬollect Data with KoBoCollect on an Android Device ¶ After this, you must select the form of data collection under the Collect Data segment.

  • In order to input this data, select DEPLOY under the project form.
  • If you would like to return to the main menu, click the save button at the top right of the screen and then the green icon on the top left of the screen to return to your list of projects.
  • To start collecting data you need to first deploy the draft form as a new data collection project.
  • Close the Form Preview and save the form by clicking the Create/Save button on, then ‘X’ to close the form.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and select “Validate”.
  • Click Preview Form ( The eye icon near the top of the page) to quickly view the questions and test skip logic.
  • Save the project and return to the main menu.
  • Note: If you are asking a question with discrete answers or options, you may select the icon for “Select One” and insert the answers. Below is a table of possible appearance attributes and how questions appear in the form. These options will allow you to change the appearance of questions on the form.
  • Notice the “Appearance (Advanced)” option on the bottom of the screen.
  • Q2: What directions did you take to get to school this afternoon? You can also select “Skip Logic” to display the question only when other conditions apply. Here you can edit the name, add a hint, tag, and use a default response.
  • To evaluate options for the question, select the settings symbol to the right of the question.
  • kobo toolbox

    The symbol will be to the left of the new question. Once you type in a question and a preferred response type.Here are the different Types of Geo Responses you can Use: You may also select Text if you have a metadata question. If the question is a geography question, select Point, Line or Area. Type in a question in the search bar and click “add question”.

    #Kobo toolbox plus

  • Click on the plus sign on the left side of the page.

  • Kobo toolbox