
Thaumcraft magic mirror
Thaumcraft magic mirror

thaumcraft magic mirror

The stone itself cannot be mined, not even with a pickaxe enchanted with Silk Touch. There is a total of six types of infused stone, and each drops several shards of the same type upon being mined. Infused Stone is stone that has been infused with elemental Vis. They can be picked up when mined with shears otherwise they will drop Quicksilver. There are usually a small number of Shimmerleaf flowers growing around the base of a Silverwood Tree. This can be used to move or to enlarge existing nodes. When the tree grows, it will also create a new aura node with a capacity between 50 and 100 Vis. Using bonemeal as a fertilizer will not work, but a Hoe of Growth can be used to make it grow instantly. The local aura must contain at least 100 Vis for a planted sapling to grow into a tree. Upon destroying the leaves with anything other than shears, there is a small chance of dropping a silverwood sapling. The saplings contain both aspects as well, while the leaves only contain the Purus. Silverwood logs are used in Thaumcraft recipes like the Flux Filter, and they contain both the Purus aspect and the Praecantatio aspect. The trees themselves are similar in shape to big oak trees from vanilla Minecraft. Their leaves sparkle and emit a faint level of light (light level 7, same as redstone torches). Silverwood Trees are rare, highly magical trees that only spawn in areas with very high Vis levels. Use the key combination "CTRL + F" (on Mac: "CMD + F") to search for specific items with your browser's text search function.


Thaumcraft 3 also interfaces with some other mods like Forestry. If the Flux levels get too high in a given area, malicious beings of pure magic and even darker beings can spawn and attack you. Toying with magic is not entirely harmless, though: If too much magic is drained from the environment, it will cause magical disturbances that are called Flux. The items, and some of the resources needed to craft them, are gradually unlocked using an intuitive research system. Thaumcraft 3 introduces an intricate new crafting and transmutation system with a huge variety of new tools, weapons and utility items, new mobs and a golem-based logistics system that is very different from other systems like the pipes of Buildcraft.

Thaumcraft magic mirror